Feb. 20, 2023

0100 - Lose Weight, Maintain Weight, or Gain Weight: What You Need to Know

0100 - Lose Weight, Maintain Weight, or Gain Weight: What You Need to Know

"Don't let your fitness goals derail - get back on track with this easy-to-follow plan!"

In this episode, you'll learn about the three main goals of fitness and how to achieve them.

For weight loss, it is important to find your BMR, create a caloric deficit, and track your food with My Fitness Pal.

For weight maintenance, find your BMR and eat around it.

For weight gain, find your BMR and slowly increase calories while maintaining a high protein intake.

"A goal without any action is just a dream."

In this episode, you will learn the following: 

1. What is the most proven way to lose weight safely and effectively?

2. What is the TDE calculator and how do you use it to find your BMR?

3. How can you slowly gain weight in a healthy way?



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Thrive or Survive...you can't do both.

I want you to track every single food that you ate for an entire week. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, condiments, everything. If you do this for a week, you're probably going to feel a little bit ashamed about, man, I'm eating way too much food. Good. Take that shame and then use it as fuel to start bettering your life.


Welcome everybody to the Motivate Grind Succeed podcast, where our goal is to help you improve your life in the four foundational cornerstones of Face fellowship, fitness and finance through practical and helpful tips and takeaways with each and every episode. If you like what you hear, don't be afraid to leave a rating and review as it goes a really, really long way. Also sign up for the email list where you can get access to new episode releases, merch drops, upcoming events, and much, much more. And finally, if you feel so inclined to support the show, I appreciate you greatly. And you can support me on buying me a coffee.


All the links to everything will be down in this episode's description, so be sure to check that out for all the information of everything that I just listed. And guys, we're going to be talking on this episode about getting your fitness back on track. Okay? So what do I mean by getting your fitness back on track? Right, so we spent the last couple of episodes talking about the fitness myths and now we'll we're going to do is now we're going to start I'm going to start getting a little bit on some toes.


Now as any person who's listening to the show for a while knows, I'm not afraid of stepping on a couple of toes. So here's what we're going to do. This episode is going to be more about just a more general informational purpose about basically saying, well, I don't know what I need to do if I want to do weight loss, weight maintenance, or weight gain. How do I go about that? I've been alluding to those things in the past episode.


So this episode is the one for you. But we're going to be going through exactly what you need to do for each and every step. And I promise you it's going to sound a lot more simple than you probably are thinking that it is with all the information floating around on the internet. I'm here to boil it down for you in this episode. So stay tuned, take some notes, and I guarantee you it's going to be a lot more simple than you actually think it is.


The first thing you want to do is you want to clarify your goal. What is it that you actually want to do? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to maintain your weight or do you want to gain weight? It literally comes down to those three things that's literally all you can do with your weight.


You can either go down, stay the same relatively or go up. That's it. So what is it that you want to do? You're going to fall into one of those three categories. Most people fall into the first category, which is the weight loss, which is what we'll talk about first.


Some people just want to maintain their weight. They like where they are. They like their body fat percentage. They just want to kind of keep it right around where they're at. So we'll address that second.


And some people want to gain some weight. Some people might be a little bit more on the skinny side. Some people might just want to gain some more muscle. We're going to talk about that as well. We're going to cover very bare bones because I don't know each of you all certain situation, but this is just general advice and simply as a very good springboard starting point of where to go for what you want to do.


So we're going to start with everybody's favorite topic, weight loss. What do you need to do to lose weight? First thing you want to do is you want to find your BMR. I talked about this, I think, in the last episode about basal metabolic rate. And I was talking about how your average, how about the average calories that an average person needs per day is approximately 2000.


Again, that's just an average. Different people have different dietary needs, different people are different sizes, and different people need different amounts of calories to be able to burn throughout the day. While one person might need maybe 1700, another person might need close to 3000. It all depends on what you need. So what do you do?


First things first, you need to find your basal metabolic rate. You can do that for free by going online to tdeecalculator. Net. That is a website that I learned from a past guest that we had. So if you all want to go back and you want to have some fun, go back, go check out the website and go see if you can find that one guest talked about TDE, hint, hint.


We talked about intermittent fasting. So first you want to do is you want to go to that website, plug in a couple of pieces of information. I believe it's just your age, how tall you are, and if you know your body fat percentage. And I think one more piece of information and it will pretty much spit out for you a general number of how many calories roughly you would need for your basal metabolic rate. And that's your starting point.


What you want to do from there, if you want to do weight loss, is you want to take that number and keep it in the back of your mind, download an app called My Fitness Pal, my FitnessPAL Free Food Tracker. I use it all the time. It's completely free. If you want to pay for premium, you can go ahead and do that. I have the premium version.


But you 100% do not need the premium version. You can get away just fine with the free version. Because all I want you to do is for about a week, remember that BMR, that's back in your head for a week, I want you to track every single food that you ate for an entire week. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, condiments, everything. Track every little thing.


And you will be surprised at, number one, just how many calories are in the food that I'm eating. Number two, just how many calories I was eating a day because I was heavily, heavily, heavily underestimating it. I was about six to 700 calories off the very first time I did this. And number three, if you do this for a week, you're probably going to feel a little bit of shame about, man, I'm eating way too much food. Good.


Take that shame and then use it as fuel to start bettering your life. So remember that BMR. Now after you went for about a week and you see about how many calories you've been eating, that's when you do the simple math. If you want weight loss, you're going to want to be in a caloric deficit, so you're going to want to drop the calories. So again, for easy math, let's just say you're at 2000 calories as your basal metabolic rate, or BMR, because I don't feel like saying basal metabolic rate for the rest of this episode.


So, BMR, 2000 calories, what do you do? Drop about 200. So now what you need to do is eat about 1800. Now go back to my fitness pal and start tracking and see, based on that week's worth of data, where can I drop about 200 calories? Can I maybe take some ketchup off of that hot dog?


Can I maybe skip that bag of Doritos? Right, just go through and see where you can drop off those 200 calories. Start with that, then do that. And continue to weigh yourself on a daily basis. But but only really take seriously into account every single week because your weight will fluctuate from day to day based on just typical body stuff, okay?


Some days your body might hold on to some extra water. Some days you might have eaten some food that you thought was just good for you and everything. But just based on the way that it was created, it might have had a little bit of extra salt or something. So it's going to fluctuate day by day. Really, you should focus on just the trend.


Did you lose about a pound? Did you lose about half a pound? Focus on the trend. Generally, you see a trend going downwards. If you see a trend going downwards, keep doing what you're doing until the trend begins to stagnate and get stable.


Then you want to drop another 200 calories until it starts going down again. And then drop another 200 when it gets stagnation. And then keep going, keep going, keep going until you get to the point where you're saying, oh man, I can't really function well. I'm not thinking straight, I'm not thinking too clear. That's your limit.


You should not reach that. Bounce it back up. Stay at that level that you were comfortable at. Eat healthily at that level and continue ongoing. Now what about your macros, which I talked about before, which is your protein, your carbs and your fats?


Very simple, 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. And you can track this in my fitness pal as well. Put that in there, put in 25% of your daily calories as fat and then just put the rest in his carbs. That's it. Start with that and then you could tweak from there.


So now that is weight loss in a nutshell. Now weight maintenance, right? And I spent the most amount of time on weight loss because we had a lot of topics to cover in that that are going to kind of carry over into the other two. So these other two are going to go really fast. Weight maintenance.


Again, how you want to start with this one is you want to find your BMR and you just want to eat there. That's it. That's literally it. You find your BMR, you can use the TDE calculator that I talked about or find something else. I would highly recommend get maybe two or three different calculators and then plug in the information and find about an average of them all because they all use different formulas that were formulated by different people.


So just find an average of some of them. But again, find that and stay within a 100 tops calorie. I wouldn't even say 200, I would say that's a little bit much. I would say between 100 calories plus or minus. Okay, but you really want to stay as close to that BMR.


Again, let's just say it's 2000, close to 2000 as possible. So some days you might eat like 1900 because maybe you're a little busy. Other days you might eat 2100. It's fine. Also remember, one day of eating bad is not going to completely kill your gains and completely kill your progress.


Just like in the same way how one day of eating nothing but cheesecake and cookies is also not going to completely ruin all your muscle. Okay? So again, weight maintenance, find your BMR, eat at the BMR, literally, that easy. Again, track your food if you want to start maybe changing some things in the diet. Maybe you don't want to eat Wendy's and whatever all the time, fine, change the diet up and then maybe start cooking some healthier foods.


I highly recommend a YouTuber by the name of Fellow. I think that's how you pronounce the name, F-E-L-U Fit by cooking. I've been using some of his burrito bowl meal prep lunch foods and I've been making those and it is fantastic, let me tell you. I feel satiated, I feel good, and they are healthy. He focuses on high protein, low fat.


That's what he usually focuses on. So if you're really trying to help yourself lose some weight, highly, highly recommend. And finally we're going to talk about weight gain. This is pretty much the opposite of weight loss, but again, it all starts with finding your BMR. Finding the BMR is absolutely crucial because you need to know your starting point, find your BMR and now you need to be in a caloric surplus.


The big differentiating factor here between weight loss and weight gain is that you don't have with weight loss, you can just keep dropping, drop and drop and dropping relatively quickly, maybe every couple of weeks. You can keep dropping another one to 200 calories. Weight gain, if you keep adding one to 102 calories each and every single week, you're going to gain a lot of fat very fast. So this one needs to be a lot more fine tuned and a lot slower. Again, the same exact .8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.


I would highly recommend being closer to that 1 gram, and this is also of 1 gram of the weight you want to be. By the way, this is not of where you are because otherwise that's going to become weight maintenance. Right? I forgot to mention that with the weight maintenance, but if you're tracking the calories, with the weight maintenance, you want the protein to be pretty much around, close to your current body weight, right around there. So weight gain, let's say you're £200 and you want to be 215.


You want to eat the protein level as if you were £215, but keeping the fat low and keeping the carbs as low as you also possibly can as well. And that is pretty much a nutshell of what it is that you want. So again, really quickly, you have to clarify your goal. What is it that you want? Do you want weight loss?


Do you want weight maintenance? Do you want weight gain? If you want weight loss, start with your BMR, go with the caloric deficit of 200 calories and track with my fitness pal for a couple of weeks and then adjust it accordingly. You want to do weight maintenance, find your BMR and then you want to stick around to right around where your weight is with, again, about zero eight to 9 grams of protein per pound of body weight. You want to stay around there and of course, weight gain, you want to kind of go more towards that 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight level and slowly increase the calories.


I cannot stress enough slowly. I cannot stress enough slowly. And one more time for the people in the back. I cannot stress enough slowly. And that's pretty much all I've got for you today guys.


That's pretty much what I've got for you. So thanks again for listening this week. Hopefully you take these tips and incorporate them into your fitness journeys and I'll be glad to see where you all are going. But again if this was helpful to you at all again don't be afraid to leave a rating in a review as again like I said it goes a very long way. There's also an email list where you can join as you can get access to new episode releases, merch drops, upcoming events and much much more.


And if you feel so inclined to support the show guys, I appreciate you very much for wanting to do so and you can support me on buying me a coffee. All the links to everything is going to be down in this video or episodes description depending on where you're watching. And remember that a goal without any action is just a dream. Take care of yourselves and I will see you all next time.