Feb. 6, 2023

098 - Debunking Fitness Myths Part 1: Don't Believe the Hype, Learn the Facts!

In this episode, I reveal the truth about exercising for weight loss, dispelling myths about the need for hours of cardio, spot-reducing fat, and pushing through pain, revealing that a simple caloric deficit, along with fun and enjoyable exercise, is the key to achieving lasting results.

"A goal without any action is just a dream."

In this episode, you will learn the following:

1. You don't need to do cardio to lose weight - explore the surprising truth behind this myth.

2. You can get results by exercising for just 10-20 minutes a day - find out how.

3. You can't spot reduce fat - uncover the science behind how fat actually works.



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Other episodes you'll enjoy:

The Power of Perspective: How James Heppner Uses Tension to Create Transformation:


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Thrive or Survive...you can't do both.

Welcome everybody. We are back. Welcome back. Welcome back to the Motivate Grind 60 podcast. Our goal is to help you improve your life in the four foundational cornerstones of Faith fellowship, fitness and finance through practical, helpful, and actionable tips with each and every single episode.


Hey guys. If you like what you hear, don't be afraid to leave a rating interview as it really does help to go a very, very long way. Also sign up for my email list where you can get access to new episode releases, merch drops, upcoming events, and much, much more. And finally, if you feel so inclined to support the show, just know I appreciate you greatly and you can support me on buying me a coffee. All the links to everything I just mentioned is going to be down in this episode's description, so be sure to check that out for all the information.


And before we get started, guys, let me just tell you right now how good it feels to be back in the studio, guys. It has been a while since I've been back in the studio, so you can kind of tell a couple of things have changed. Number one, if you're watching the YouTube video, you see we have a new background now, which is absolutely fantastic. Number two, if you are either watching the YouTube video or listening, you'll also hear that the audio quality might be a little bit different and that is because we now have a brand new microphone, guys. Brand new microphone.


But of course, that's not the reason why I took the couple of months off. The reason why I took a couple of months off, guys, is because I needed to recoup. I need to recover from doing this for an entire year. And I just wanted to be able to come back and hit you all hard with a bunch of new episodes and a bunch of just quality of life improvements and everything of that sort. So with all that out of the way, guys, we're going to go ahead and get started with this week's episode.


And we're going to come in hard, we're going to hit you all hard. But actually, before we even get to that, one more thing to note as well. This entire year we're going to do a slightly different mode of things, right? So this year I definitely want to take a lot of you all feedback a lot more in terms of what I want to talk about, right? And so what I'm going to do is we're going to have four seasons this year.


This is the first season, this is going to be the fitness season, right? So what's going to happen is since we're starting here now in February, what we're going to do is we're going to have ten episodes at a minimum per season, okay? Ten episodes minimum per season. And each one is going to be focused on, if you guessed it, each of the foundational cornerstones. We're going to start off with fitness.


I'm not sure which one we're going to do next, but I'll definitely make an announcement once I go ahead and decide which one would be next. But the reason why I say all this is because I would like you guys to help. Give me some topics that you would like to hear about. I already have all the topics planned out for the rest of the year that I want to be able to go ahead and talk about. However comma, if you all really do have a burning topic that you want to talk about, again, go ahead and leave me a comment.


Or if you're watching YouTube, if you're listening to this, go ahead and send me a DM on Instagram. Or just plain old send me a DM on Instagram, because I'll go ahead and be checking those. So go ahead again, if you want to hear anything about that, send me a DM on Instagram. And if I get a lot of DMs about those things, then we'll go ahead and make an episode on that. So for right now, go ahead, send me a DM on Instagram if you want to hear about any sort of topic so I can go ahead and get some research done on it.


And if it's going to work with the workflow, we'll go ahead and put it into the episode, at least into the episode list and the topic that I want to be able to talk about for this year. So with all that out of the way, now, I know we're all about the no fluff, but I definitely wanted to give you a quick heads up of what's going on with all that. If you want any more information, go ahead. Again. Send me a DM.


And if I start getting a bunch of questions, I'll go ahead and make an FAQ or just post something on Instagram for you all to see. So out of the way, you all see the title of this episode. We're going to be starting off this portion with debunking some fitness myths. Okay, this is going to be part one. We're going to have part two coming out next week.


But I do want to start off because, again, I know I missed the whole New Year, new me stuff that goes on, but I did want to just come out and say, here we are. We're going to start off with some fitness myth, since you know it's going to come out and say it like everybody and their grandma wants to start losing some weight or they want to start doing something with their fitness every time the New Year comes around. By the time this episode drops, I would dare say most of you all probably are not sticking to it. So let's go ahead and let's start by debunking some fitness myths that you may or may not have come across as you were making your New Year's resolution. So we're actually going to start off with number one.


And number one is that you have to do cardio to lose weight. Now look, cardio is incredibly, incredibly important and it does help you lose weight. However, you don't have to do it to lose weight. Here's what I mean by that guy when I say that you have to do cardio to lose weight. And that, that is a myth.


Cardio does help you lose weight. Let's just put that out there. Now. It does help you to lose weight. Getting extra steps in low intensity, steady state, high intensity interval training which we're going to have episodes on in the coming weeks.


So stay tuned for those. Those do help you to lose weight, however comma. That's not the only way to help you to lose the weight. I forgot where the quote came from, but there was a quote that said that 80% of your fitness journey happens in the kitchen, 20% happens in the gym. And I agree because you really can't out train a bad diet.


You could be running 10 miles a day and God blesses your shins that you never get any shin splints or anything and you could be running 10 miles and burning 1000 calories a day if you wanted to. But if you're still eating in a caloric surplus, you're still not going to lose any weight. It's just not going to work for you. So all you have to do to focus on is just make sure you are in a caloric deficit. What does that mean caloric deficit?


If you never heard that term before, here's what a caloric deficit means. It means simply to eat less calories in a day than you burn. That's it. That's literally it. The average human will burn 2000 calories a day.


So with simple math, if you eat 2200, you're eating more than you're burning. So now you're in a surplus, which means over time you'll gain weight. If you eat 1800 calories a day, you're in a 200 calorie deficit, which means now you're going to chances are losing weight. It's literally that simple. So you don't have to do cardio to lose weight.


The most important thing is to stay in a caloric deficit and then incorporate some sort of training to then help you burn excess calories. And speaking of exercise, that leads us to point number two, and that is that you have to exercise for hours a day to see any sort of result. You don't have to exercise for hours a day guys. You really don't. Now you don't have to be like me, okay?


Me, for example, if I'm doing a workout from home, I'm probably going to be going for a minimum of like 45 minutes. If I'm working out at the gym, I'm probably going to be going for like an hour and a half plus. But you don't have to do that whatsoever. In fact, I recommend that you don't, because that's a lot of time that is spent with you doing that, and I don't recommend that you do that because you're probably not going to stick to it. Again, I've been doing fitness and been trying to work on my fitness and learning more about it since I was about 16 or 17 years old, which means it's been quite a few years.


So I have a little bit more experience in what to do, and I know I can stick to that. But for someone who's just starting out, do not do not exercise for hours a day telling you do not do it. You're not going to stick with it. I recommend staying with some of this, maybe more like ten to 20 minutes a day. Now, I know some gurus out there are like ten to 20 minutes a day isn't enough to do that.


We're talking about the people who are starting off brandspanking new to this, and they have no idea where to start. Literally go on YouTube and find a workout video, right? Again, he doesn't know I'm talking about him right now, but he's a very popular YouTuber. His name is Bully Juice. Right?


Go onto his YouTube channel, and he has so many videos out there that are really good. They're so good even till today. If I need a workout from home and I don't know what I want to do, I'm telling you, just look up whatever you want to work out and type in Bully Juice. I guarantee you. Here's a video about it.


You want to do full body Bully Juice full body workout. You're going to have a selection. You want to do shoulders, which is what I'm trying to work on right now because my shoulder is looking a little bit small right now. You can go on Bully Juice shoulders, and he has stuff for Dumbbells. He has stuff for Calisthenic style, which is just body weight.


Whatever you want, it's all right there. I highly recommend it because that's who I started out with when I was doing my own fitness journey, and I still stuck with them. So that definitely says something. Again, you don't have to work out for hours a day because a lot of his workouts and a lot of workouts that you can make are 20 minutes, 30 minutes or less. So you don't need to spend forever.


In fact, I don't recommend you spend forever because then you're going to feel like, I have to do this all the time, and you're not going to stick with it. It needs to be fun. It needs to be enjoyable. You need to actually, like I said just now, enjoy doing it. Okay?


Point number three is that people believe, and I really want to make this clear, guys, you cannot spot reduce fat. Oh, man. Guys, I don't care who it is that tells you that you can spot reduce fat. You can't spot reduce fat. You just can't do it.


I know, I wish I could. I wish that's how the body worked. And then we could spot reduce fat. And then if you just did that six pack workout that you saw the other day on YouTube, and you just do that for the next three months, you'll have a tone chiseled six pack. It unfortunately doesn't work like that.


That is just a hole, okay? It's just a hole. You cannot hit fat at a certain area and then just it will go away. You'll burn fat as a whole, right? And just as a quick aside here, if you want to burn £1 of fat, that's approximately 3500 calories, which is why I talked about the caloric deficit in the start.


If you burn about 3500 calories, that is about equivalent to £1 of fat. So that's why when you hear people, you'll hear sometimes people will throw numbers around saying, if you want to lose about a pound of fat a week, that's 3500 calories a week. And then you do the math on that, you got seven days. So seven times five is 35. So you need to be in a deficit of about 500 calories.


That's where the numbers come from. Anyway, that's a quick aside. But back to what I was saying before. You can't spot reduce fat, fat comes off as a whole. If you're working out, you will generally see yourself get smaller in pretty much every area.


I don't know how many times I can say this, but you just can't reduce fat. It's just not possible. You can only reduce your overall body fat through just continuous exercise and a caloric deficit. That's it. I hate to break to be the bearer of bad news actually, no, I don't, because I'm trying to teach you all the truth here.


You cannot do it. You cannot spirit his fat. You're just going to have to stick with it. Keep exercising and keep watching the fat drop off. Little by little, you start to see definition start popping up in places you didn't know definition could pop up.


This is how the human body works. I didn't make the rules, and we can't change the rules of how our body works. So just let you know how it is. Point number four is that some people believe that when you have pain and exercise, you just need to push through the pain. No pain, no gain.


Bro gains, bro, no pain, no gain. That is wrong. Do not do that to an extent. Now, let me explain. Now, when you're experiencing muscle failure, that's not necessarily pain.


That's just your muscles fatiguing to the point of them not being able to perform a certain exercise. For another repetition, pain is let's say you're doing a shoulder press and you feel a twinge in your shoulder. That means to stop because you're probably having bad form. You rather have bad form or you're lifting something that's way too heavy or maybe you just had an injury or something that you just didn't know. Maybe you slept wrong or whatever, have you?


And now that's your shoulder literally telling you, I need a break, you should probably stop. Your body does a fantastic job of warning you before bad things happen, okay? If your body is warning you and telling you, hey, I just twinged because something's wrong, you should probably stop. Because if you keep going, you're probably going to end up in a doctor's office, and then you're going to end up being like, well, now you can't work out for three or four weeks because now you have to let your shoulder. So I highly suggest, please, if your body is talking to you, please listen, okay?


Please, please listen because otherwise you might not like the outcome. And finally, guys, the final one for this episode, point number five, or either myth number five, is that you should only exercise when you're trying to lose weight. Guys, no, you should not be exercising when you're trying to lose weight because exercise offers a wide, vast, gargantuan amount of health benefits, okay? A couple of things that I wrote down over here. Of course, obviously we all know about weight loss because exercising, along with the caloric deficit, you get some weight loss and you start to get some nice juicy six packs that you always wanted to see.


It improves your cardiovascular health, whether you're doing actual cardiovascular activity or maybe more anaerobic activity like muscle lifting and building muscle and things like that. Either way, it's also working your heart because blood needs to be pumped to whatever muscle it is that you're working, which means your heart naturally has to work harder to be able to do that. So naturally it's going to increase that. You're also strengthening your muscles, obviously, even if you're doing cardiovascular, because you're still all that impact on the ground or on the treadmill or whatever it is that you're running, walking or doing your cardiovascular activities on, that's going to strengthen those also strengthens your bones. Because when you do exercise and things, even just walking, you do create micro fractures and micro tears in your bones and muscles respectively.


And because you do that as you sleep, which is also important as you sleep, those begin to heal and repair themselves and therefore you become just that little bit stronger the next time you wake up. It also helps to reduce stress, because when you go ahead and sweat, you can literally sweat out your stress, because as you do exercise, you reduce the level of cortisol, which is a big, big term in the fitness community, because that's the big killer of any kind of exercise that you're doing, because stress will heavily diminish your output in the gym. Whether that be actual exercise, whether that be when I say actual exercise, I mean like muscle building exercise, whether that be actual cardiovascular exercise or whatever it is. You have too much cortisol in your system, you have too much stress. It's not going to be as good.


But again, like I said, it's very, very important to incorporate physical activity into your routine overall for your health and for your well being. So again guys, let's go through them real quick one more time. Is that, number one, that you have to do cardio to lose weight? You do not have to. You just need to be mainly in a caloric deficit.


Cardio just helps. Number two is that you have to exercise for hours a day to see any sort of results. No, you don't. You don't have to exercise for hours a day. When I first started off as a newbie, again, way back when I was like 16 or 17 years old, starting off in fitness as a newbie, I was exercising for at most 20 minutes a day and in a couple of months I was already seeing some changes.


Okay? Because it's a new stimulus to your body, it's not going to take that long for you to start seeing some changes. Number three, you can spot reduce fat. You cannot spot reduce fat. You can only reduce fat in your body overall through continuous caloric deficit and through continuous exercise.


That's the only way that you can reduce fat overall. You cannot spot reduce fat. Number four, please don't push through the pain when exercising. If your body is talking to you, you should listen to it and give it a chance to tell you what's actually going on. And finally, you should only exercise when you are trying to lose weight.


Guys, no, do not exercise only when you're trying to lose weight because exercise should be just a part of your daily normal routine. And guys, that is all that I have for you today. Thank you so much for listening. And before you go, don't forget please guys, don't forget that if you like what you hear, please leave a rating and review as it goes a very long way. Don't forget, there's also an email list that I mentioned in the start where you can get access to new episode releases, merge, drops, upcoming events, and much, much more.


Also, if you are so inclined to support the show, again, I appreciate you greatly and you can support me on Buy Me a Coffee. All the links to everything that I mentioned are going to be down in the description. Whether you're listening to this over your favorite podcast player or on YouTube, check out the description to check that out. And remember that a goal without any action is just a dream. Take care of yourselves and I will see you all next time.