March 15, 2024

Finding Your Groove When Motivation Runs Low

Finding Your Groove When Motivation Runs Low

We've all been there, right? Fired up with a big idea or a new goal. Maybe it's starting a YouTube channel, launching a podcast, or kicking off a new business venture. But then reality hits. The initial adrenaline rush fades, and we find ourselves asking, "Okay, what now?" How do we move from dreaming to doing, especially when our motivation tank hits empty?

Rediscovering Your Why

The first step? Take a step back and revisit your goals. Dig deep with the "Five Whys" technique to peel back the layers of your intentions. It's like asking yourself why you're craving pizza at midnight. The first why might be hunger, but by the fifth, you might realize you're just procrastinating on a project due tomorrow. Understanding your core motivations can reignite that spark, or at least remind you why you started this journey in the first place.

Creating a Game Plan

Once you've reacquainted yourself with your 'why,' it's time to get practical. What's your plan? (And no, "winging it" isn't a plan 😒.) Break down your goal into actionable steps. For instance, if you're launching a podcast, what needs to happen? Recording, editing, and publishing—simple, right? But each of those steps has its own set of mini-tasks. Scheduling time for each activity not only makes your goal more manageable but also less daunting.

(Oh, and on the topic of podcasts, gonna shameless plug something real quick...If you're interested in starting a podcast, check out my Podcast Genesis Accelerator course. It'll take you from zero to a fully launched show in under 2 weeks! Okay, back to the regularly scheduled reading!)

The Magic of Structure

This is where the beauty of a structured schedule comes into play. Designate specific times for each task, whether it's brainstorming content ideas or editing audio clips. And don't just cram everything into a single day. Spread out your tasks to avoid burnout. Trust me, your future self will thank you. (Source: Trust me bro 😉)

A Space of Your Own

Designating a workspace can do wonders for your productivity. It doesn't have to be fancy—a corner of your living room or a quiet spot at your local café can work just as well. The key is consistency. Make this space synonymous with work mode. Over time, just sitting down in your designated area can trigger a mental shift, priming you for productivity.

Social Media: A Double-Edged Sword

Ah, social media. A source of inspiration and distraction. Limiting your exposure can help maintain focus. Try tools like website blockers or schedule specific times to check your feeds. Remember, every minute scrolling is a minute not spent working towards your goal.

Productivity Techniques for the Win

Experiment with productivity methods like the Pomodoro Technique—25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break. It's simple but effective, helping you maintain a high level of concentration without burning out.

Don't Forget to Move

Never underestimate the power of a good workout or a nutritious meal. Physical activity and healthy eating can significantly boost your mental energy and focus. So, take that midday walk or swap the chips for a salad. Your brain (and body) will thank you.

Seeking Help

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we hit a wall. It's okay to seek external support, whether it's a coach, a therapist, or a trusted friend. A fresh perspective can offer new solutions and remind you that you're not alone in this journey.

Be Kind to Yourself

Finally, practice self-compassion. Not every day will be a win, and that's okay. Acknowledge your efforts, reflect on your progress, and remember, it's about the journey as much as the destination. Celebrate the small victories and learn from the setbacks.


In a world obsessed with constant hustle, it's easy to feel overwhelmed when our motivation dips. But by taking a step back, planning carefully, and being kind to ourselves, we can navigate these lows and keep moving forward. Remember, motivation might kickstart the journey, but discipline and self-compassion are what will see you through to the finish line.