April 5, 2024

From Zero Motivation to Goal-Crushing Machine: My Journey to Podcast Success

From Zero Motivation to Goal-Crushing Machine: My Journey to Podcast Success

Have you ever set a goal for yourself only to lose motivation shortly after? If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. Many people struggle to stick with their goals long-term. However, with the right approach, you can set yourself up for success.

When I first started my podcast "Motivate, Grind, Succeed," I was excited and ambitious. I set a goal to publish an episode every single week.

Well, that quickly fell apart once life got in the way. I found myself unmotivated to keep up with my original pace. What went wrong? I hadn't set up my goal properly.

After some trial and error, I've learned a framework for goal-setting that works. By understanding the "why" behind your goals, making them S.M.A.R.T., creating an action plan, and avoiding distractions, you can achieve whatever you set out to do.

# The Importance of Knowing Your "Why"

Intrinsic motivation is crucial for accomplishing your goals. You need to connect with the deeper emotional purpose behind what you want to achieve. Ask yourself why you have this goal. Then ask why again to get at the heart of what drives you.

For example, let's say you want to start a podcast. Ask yourself why do I want to start this podcast? Maybe your answer is something like "Because I have a voice and want to share information with others." Okay great, but why is that important to you? Keep probing deeper until you reach an emotional core. Perhaps for you, it's giving back knowledge that you wish you had when you were younger.

When your "why" taps into a greater purpose beyond yourself, you'll gain the fuel to persist even when the road gets bumpy.

# Making Goals "SMART"

After connecting to your deeper why, it's time to translate that into a S.M.A.R.T. goal. SMART stands for:


Turning a broad goal into a SMART goal gives it more clarity and accountability.

For example, "I want to start a podcast" is pretty vague. Let's make it SMART:

"I will launch a self-improvement podcast for men in their 20's covering topics like health, relationships, and personal growth. I will release episodes weekly and publish at least 50 episodes in the next year."

See the difference? Now I know exactly what success looks like.

# Creating an Action Plan

With a clearly defined SMART goal, an action plan brings it to life. Outline the step-by-step process to make your goal happen.

Rather than meticulously planning every single daily task, focus on bigger milestones. Identify your starting point, your end goal, and major progress markers along the way.

For the podcast example, key milestones might be:

- Gather equipment/set up studio space
- Record first 5 episodes
- Launch podcast on Spotify/iTunes
- Reach 1000 downloads

Life often throws curveballs, so leave room for flexibility while still creating structure.

# Avoiding "Shiny Object Syndrome"

This is a big mistake I made early on. If you have systems in place that work, stick with them! "Shiny object syndrome" refers to tossing aside what you have that's good in favor of chasing the next hot thing.

I got distracted trying fancy new recording programs rather than just using my trusted equipment. Don't make my mistake! Resist the urge to constantly switch just because something new catches your eye. Stay focused on your goal.

In the end, clearly knowing your "why," making your goals SMART, sticking to an action plan, and avoiding distractions sets you up for success.

It's a simple framework that can be applied to almost anything and is the first step to get you that kickstart in the right direction.

If this is something that you need some more guidance on, I offer a free 3 part course that helps you set and pursue meaningful life goals. You find out more about that here!

Now I want to hear from you in the comments: What goals are you working towards lately? Do you have any other tips for accomplishing goals successfully?